Creating a Location Certificate on the West Island

Benoît Péloquin Arpenteur-géomètre inc.

workers doing land surveying
Surveying Operations to Measure the Condition of the Site, Marks of Occupation and Possible Encroachments.

Location Certificate

The location certificate is an important document because it provides a wealth of legal and physical information that may affect the value of the property. If you would like to have a location certificate for your property on the West Island, please contact our team of land surveyors.

The location certificate consists of a report and a plan in which the land surveyor expresses his professional opinion on the current status of a property in relation to the titles, cadaster and the acts and by-laws that may affect it. It is similar to a "certificate of health" regarding the property.

The location certificate is a crucial source of information for the potential buyer of a home. Only a land surveyor is authorized to make such a document.

The location certificate indicates whether a house's position complies with certain rules: for example, it ensures that its position complies with the requirements of zoning by-laws, that it is not subject to the Cultural Heritage Act, that there is no encroachment suffered or exercised, or that there is no servitude on the property for the passage of sewers.

The location certificate also serves to ascertain whether the building is partially or wholly located in a mapped flood zone, in a riparian protection strip or in a landslide zone.

Make sure that the location certificate you have is current.

In addition, the location certificate is a security guarantee for the bank issuing a mortgage. There is no other document that can provide the same information, which is essential to the buyer's security.

Call our team for a land surveyor to contact you as soon as possible.

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